Our Service Guarantee

Two Year, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee or Your Money Back

Airmaker’s NO LEMON GUARANTEE – Airmaker will replace your entire furnace unit for NO CHARGE if your heat exchanger fails within 10 years of the installation date.

Service Guaranteed. We will respond to your call and repair your heating or cooling problem within 24 hours or we will put you up in a hotel for the night.

We will guarantee the following items for up to 10 years against defects in materials or workmanship from the date equipment is placed into operation:

All ductwork we install

All sheet metal straps, clamps, fasteners, hangers, locks and drives we install.

All condensate drain piping, hangings and fittings we install.

All high voltage electrical wiring, conduit, fitting, straps, clamps and terminal connectors we install.

All high voltage electrical disconnects, boxes, switches and fuse boxes we install.

All low voltage electrical wiring, wire nuts, straps, ties and connectors we install.

All refrigerant piping we install is guaranteed to be leak free. Warranty does not include the cost to gain access to underground or inaccessible piping.contact Airmaker Inc.

All refrigerant piping insulation we install.

All equipment pads, stands, jacks and vibration elimination devices we install.

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